BHEL - Project life and learnings that I applied to my entrepreneur life
I worked as a Project Engineer, Planning in BHEL (Bharat Heavy Electricals Ltd.). Worked on construction projects. Has spent time in projects at different locations. I have been to Nagpur and sites nearby, Delhi, UP (Rihand) and MP. As a planning engineer, I have been involved with people from ground level, to higher management, to client's management and higher management. Has also got an opportunity to sit in meeting with power ministry and drive the happenings of my project.
An engineering project, specially a highly specialized work like a power plant. Bringing the latest technologies on ground and deploying them gives one a good amount of exposure not only on technology and management but also deployment. A planning engineer needs to know important things 1 month in advance and brod things 6 months in advance. Planning is important but execution with things changing dynamically on ground and in supply chain demands a lot of efforts and helps one learn a lot. Keeping track of whole supply chain, it status and its implications on the project and then after its deployment, following right protocols, rising bill and get money released from client, gave me a good amount of exposure on overall business management from grass root level to higher-ups to the complete completion of projects.
The key learning was that in order to best execute a project, a business or even a small activity, planning is must when it is a part of big picture. Every unit should perform well on their responsibilities. Yet even after all that there are always things that change when it comes to actual deployment. One needs to learn how to change course and always be ready to re-plan, by dynamic and always be ready for surprises and take next steps in right time. Many a times delayed decisions are more costly than no decision or wrong decision. And as an entrepreneur who has to always learn and adopt to changes, one has to dive into the problem rather than just doing analysis.
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